About us

A love story

The Pachamama Terra Medica is above all a love story between a man and a woman, and Nature. We created this project in 2015, following cancer. Our primary intention was to take care of our health and that of those around us by cultivating certain targeted medicinal plants that have helped us so much to fight the side effects of chemotherapy and other cancer-related pain. 

Our personal needs very quickly met those of other suffering people and our small family production was no longer sufficient to meet the demand. This is how in 2017 we made the decision to continue the adventure but in a professional capacity this time.

We are not born a farmer, we become one.

Sophie, a lawyer by training, created “Secrets du Potager” in the early 2000s, a company specializing in high-end products in the world of urban gardening. Visual artist by passion, she then devoted herself entirely to her art.


In 90 years Nicolas, with a double degree in economics and politics, worked in Switzerland in the banking sector. Ten years later, too far from his truth, he left
the world of finance to devote himself to his passion for photography. Having become a set photographer for the biggest film companies, he practiced this profession for 20 years.

There's no
of age for

Despite a very similar life course, it took until 2013 and cancer to unite our destinies. Supported by conventional medicine, its share of chemotherapy and other surgeries, it was their side effects that were the most difficult to manage. Driven by our common love for nature, it is towards a more natural medicine that we have relied to relieve these collateral evils.




The combined approach of these different medicines (conventional and traditional) was a real revelation for us:

their complementarity boosted their respective effectiveness, the chemos followed one another without anything stopping them, the appetite returned, the nausea and other pains faded considerably and a good sleep regained ended up making us win the game.

Food as first medication

We knew it of course, but it still took a severe health problem to become fully aware of it and change our bad eating habits. The oxidation mechanisms of our cells, excessive acidity, fatty liver syndrome, type II diabetes are all examples that clearly illustrate the dramatic consequences of our poor diet on our health. While eating well (and good), we can so easily avoid them.

On the strength of this personal experience and all the knowledge that results from it, we now want to put them at the service of collective health, this is the reason for being of our little piece of farm with a thousand virtues.